Is feral leveling basically mangle to max CP and FB? on the off chance im dpsing in a dungeon is that really the best. I know the gear will be replaced quickly and i plan on questing in Hellfire before trying to run any dungeons.

The Moonkin can only cast Balance spells while shapeshifted. While in this form the armor contribution from items is increased by 360% and all party members within 30 yards have their spell critical chance increased by 3%. Bellowing Roar - AoE fear, similar to Onyxia's Hellfire - casts an AoE Hellfire for about 500 fire damage a tick (similar to the warlock spell) Our fury warrior kept getting knocked backwards right off the ledge.

TBC brings in Mangle and Lacerate which helps a ton.

You're thinking of classic rotation which isn't great on Druid. You can also off-DPS wayyy easier as a Feral Druid instead of a Warrior. Druid tanks scale a bit better later in the expansion though, as others have mentioned.TBC Classic Feral Druid Tank / DPS Hybrid PvE Talent Build One of Feral's strengths is that it is the only spec in the game that has two intended builds built into a single talent tree.TBC Classic Feral Druid Tank Spec, Builds, and Talents.Feral Druid PvP 4-piece bonus also causes successful interrupts with Coup de crâne to reset the cooldown of.

Feral Druid PvP 2-piece bonus to 15% movement speed while outdoors for Druids in Bear Form, Cat Form, or Travel Form no longer stacks with the Druid talent Rapidité féline.